Setup Tools

When you start up a machine tool, you need to adapt the CNC to the machine. You perform tasks like developing a PMC program or optimizing servo and spindle drives. Setup tools help you to start up a machine tool quickly and efficiently.


FANUC LADDER-III, CNC için PMC programlarını oluşturma, görüntüleme, düzenleme, yazdırma, izleme ve hata ayıklama açısından standart programlama sistemidir. Bir veya birden fazla PC'de NCGuide ile birlikte çalışır ve CNC'ye Ethernet üzerinden kolaylıkla bağlanabilir.


  • Creation of the machine PMC program, startup and debug
  • Modification of the PMC program to follow machine and production evolution
  • Rich maintenance and diagnostics capabilities of the PMC and machine control

SERVO Viewer

SERVO Viewer is a Windows® application software that enables to measure and display various kinds of data from a machine tool with a FANUC CNC. It is possible to acqure and view servo/spindle data such as position, speed and torque, PMC signals, or CNC status information such as program number, sequence number or M/S/T codes.


  • Analyze the axis movement and CNC operation timing
  • Optimize the CNC program to reduce cycle times
  • Monitor the machine's condition by periodical measurements