Increase your workpiece quality with FANUC

Fine Surface Technology is a set of functions that deals with different stages of the process chain: Beginning with improved accuracy from the CAM system, over sophisticated CNC algorithms and unrivalled servo control capabilities down to the machine tool.


FANUC High Precision Program Command

Path errors caused by rounding can reduce the surface quality of a workpiece. You can easily reduce the path error by improving program accuracy with High Precision Program Command. This enables you to achieve much better surface results, while machining time stays the same.

FANUC Smooth Tolerance+ Control

Do you sometimes have suboptimal surfaces of your workpieces? This is caused by tool paths consisting of many short line segments. Even though you can achieve a smooth workpiece surface with Smooth Tolerance+ Control. It smoothens the tool path and can even shorten machining time.


Some surface imperfections can be caused by distur-bances in the servo system. You can effectively coun-ter these imperfections with SERVO HRV+ Control. Its optimal current control and newly enhanced velocity control suppresses disturbances in the servo system and improves surface quality.

FANUC AI Contour Control II+

The improved block processing capability of AI Contour Control II+ allows you to machine part programs which have been created with small CAM tolerances. Achieve improved surface quality without compromising short machining times.