Menţinerea utilajului dvs. în funcţiune cu costuri mai mici

Timpi mai buni pentru ciclul de operare prin automatizare superioară

Roboţii performanţi de supraveghere a utilajelor eficientizează o varietate de operaţii, cum ar fi turnarea în forme de nisip, turnarea prin injecţie, tăierea, prelucrarea şi asamblarea pieselor de mici dimensiuni. Furnizorii de top ar trebui să aibă soluţii pentru orice scenariu de producţie imaginabil, de la cel mai mic până la cel mai mare şi în orice configuraţie de celule. Ar trebui să ofere, de asemenea, o gamă completă de servicii de asistenţă, la nivel local şi internaţional, disponibile imediat când aveţi nevoie.


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Smart robotic machine tending solutions

Machine tending specialists

Extremely lightweight and compact, dedicated tending robots available from some manufacturers have been specifically designed for high-speed applications such as automated machine tending. With their slim arms, enclosed cabling and 14 kg payload, these specialists are ideal for manufacturing operations that require access to small spaces and where space is at a premium.

Easier than you think

A comprehensive range of flexible standalone solutions make machine tending robots a very viable choice for small businesses. Less expensive and easier to use than you might imagine, they provide considerable benefits even on small production runs. This is especially so where the tedious, dirty and dangerous nature of tending machines manually makes finding and retaining manual operators difficult. Plus, once they have been created, machine-tending programs can be called up whenever new orders come in.