Coronavirus (COVID 19) as an infectious disease hazard with the risk of people being infected by breathing in respiratory droplets expelled by a person infected with the virus, typically via coughing or sneezing, or by touching objects or surfaces contaminated by virus droplets, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth
FANUC UK employees
contractors, visitors
- Persons suspecting or showing COVID 19 symptoms are obligated not to attend work and to inform their manager and/or the HR department immediately.
- Persons already on the premises who start to suspect/ develop symptoms must inform a manager on site and/or HR immediately, avoiding face to face contact, and leave the premises without delay.
- Current company policy is for employees to work from home where it is not essential for them to attend the Company facility.
- Relevant information in line with current official guidance and company specific measures relating to social distancing, personal hygiene and protection requirements is communicated to all workers directly and strategically displayed.
- Controlled access points to the building.
- Floor markings to be laid down in main areas such as reception and canteen areas, with social distancing maps displayed.
- Low numbers of employees on the premises, multiple entrances and naturally variable arrival times means that any queuing to enter the premises that would compromise social distancing requirements is avoided.
- Continual contract cleaning and disinfection arrangement in place covering common areas of the building throughout the working day.
- Employee ownership of cleaning and disinfection of individual workstations and associated equipment
- Strategically located mobile cleaning stations in place.
- Appropriately specified personal protective equipment including respiratory protection must be worn for work where it is not possible to maintain social distancing.
- Hold open devices installed for frequently opened fire doors.
- Non-contact door release sensors installed for security critical doors.
- Additional ‘trough’ washing facility for the main workshop area toilets to mitigate numbers using ground floor office toilets.
- Arrangements are in place/imminent for protective screening of higher risk work areas or where suitable arrangements for avoiding face to face office working are not possible.
- Information identifying surfaces that can be contaminated and associated virus survival times has been obtained for reference.
- The use of video conferencing is used where practicable to avoid the need for people to attend group meetings.
- Face to face meetings are only to be held where absolutely necessary and then only in appropriately sized meeting rooms to ensure social distancing can be maintained. Attendees are to be kept to a minimum as is the duration of any meetings.
- Appropriate instruction and information is communicated to visitors and contractors.
- Driver hygiene kits to be provided for employees who have to travel, e.g. engineers working on customer’s sites.
- Any activity that would be expected to attract large numbers of people, i.e. visitors will not be permitted/ arranged until further notice.
- Employees have completed or will complete modules on the company’s online training and information system (OLAS) that are relevant to the current situation and their own work, including wellbeing and homeworking modules.
- Delivery driver controls in place including a stay in your vehicle instruction and controlled, escorted movement within the building when the use of toilet facilities is required.
Download and strategically display the UK Government’s ‘Five steps to safer working together’ notice to show employees and other persons who may visit the site that FANUC UK has complied with the government’s guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19
To reinforce instruction of the main rules and mandated control measures, consider the use of a start-up page on employee PCs that contains a summary of the key points
The workplace environment and infrastructure
Entering and exiting the building
- Potentially contaminated high-contact points such as toilets, door handles, telephones, grab-rails in stairwells in common/ communal areas of the building
- People and spatial factors and social distancing
- General workplace, specific work areas and individual work station cleanliness
- Shared use of facilities such as toilets and rest areas
- Air quality
- There is a cleaning contract regime in place across the working day for frequently cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces that are touched regularly in communal/common areas of the building.
- When daily cleaning resumes, this will take place outside normal working hours to minimise contact between staff and cleaners and help maintain social distancing between these two groups.
- Employees are responsible for the cleanliness/hygiene of their own workstations and associated equipment.
- Relatively low numbers of employees on site and staggered arrival and departure times avoids close proximity queuing at building access/exit points.
- Floor markings are to be laid down in high footfall areas such as reception and canteen areas, with social distancing maps displayed.
- Social distancing is maintained along the length of the main ground floor corridor (staff entrance through to reception area) with points along the corridor where people can come off it for distancing purposes if necessary.
- Non-contact door release sensors installed for security critical doors.
- Full screening is to be installed all around the reception desk.
- Doorgard hold open devices being fitted to fire doors in areas with frequent pedestrian passage that release the doors upon the fire alarm system being activated– this is an accepted fire safety measure ensuring their primary objective, i.e. being closed in the event of a fire is met.
- The canteen area has been arranged to ensure social distancing is maintained by space between tables with one seat per table.
- An additional temporary tea point including hot water urn, fridge and microwave station has been established in the staff canteen area.
- An additional temporary tea point including hot water urn, fridge and table and chairs has been established in the workshop area.
- The adjacent conference room has been re-arranged so that it can be used as a secondary rest area in the event of numbers of people increasing.
- Toilet and hand washing protocol - Persons needing to use urinals in one of the two applicable toilets are expected not to encroach into the space of others at such a time.The same considerations will be expected at multiple sink/tap points for hand washing.
- Additional washing facility is being provided in the workshop toilets adjacent to goods in.
- The spatial aspects designed into the building with large open areas and a non-circulatory, clean air handling system ensure there is an adequate level of healthy ventilation at all times.
- Due to infrequent use (historically) the premises lift is not deemed to require special control measures – staff who need to use it would be expected to ensure social distancing is maintained without the need for specific, formal instruction
Main workshop
Workshop engineers and stores/warehouse team activities
(This area includes the Service Department workshop area adjacent to the training academy/stores areas)
As section 1 there is a risk of people being infected by breathing in COVID 19 respiratory droplets expelled by a person infected with the virus or by touching objects or surfaces contaminated with virus droplets, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth
- Working with others/colleagues – possible short term close proximity working such as manual handling of heavy items requiring a 2 person lift
- Possibility of coming into close proximity with non-employees who are on the premises for essential reasons
- Handling objects and touching surfaces , including work equipment and materials that may be contaminated by virus droplets
Engineering department
Warehouse and stores team
FANUC UK service engineers
Other FANUC UK staff who may need to be in the building
Contractors carrying out essential work in the main workshop/warehouse
- Workshop work, particularly involving engineers is planned so that where contact is unavoidable, workers working together as fixed teams or partnering and as small as possible (‘cohorting’) will be implemented to reduce contact with co-workers. Back-to-back or side-to-side working will also be employed whenever possible.
- Any sharing of work equipment, e.g. hand tools, portable, hand held control devices, keyboards or scanners is confined to fixed teams who adhere to the stipulated PPE and personal cleaning/hygiene rules, with equipment being subject to pre and after use cleaning with antibacterial wipes.
- Personal/respiratory protective equipment - when carrying out workshop or warehouse tasks for which it is not practicable for workers to maintain a safe distance between themselves and colleagues they are required to wear a disposable single use/sessional IIR fluid repellent surgical type mask and face visor.Note: There is not a requirement to meet the same standards of respiratory protection as required in a healthcare/ clinical environment ……
A single session in an industrial, non-clinical environment may, upon a task specific assessment being carried out, be deemed to be a working day, taking into account; duration and frequency of wear, the environment used in and mask condition, i.e. if damaged and the face seal is compromised, it becomes soiled or becomes difficult to breathe through, then a mask should be replaced and disposed of immediately..
- Visors shall be cleaned/disinfected when tasks are completed and be placed in dedicated storage facilities, i.e. personal lockers, along with any other items of reusable items of PPE worn for virus protection.
- Gloves are worn for handling tasks, e.g. stores/ warehouse staff taking delivery of packaged or boxed goods.Should it not be possible for gloves to be worn, e.g. where hand dexterity, touch and grip would be compromised, regular and thorough cleaning of hands is an enhanced requirement.
- There are dedicated disposal points for used items of PPE.
- Note: The wearing of face masks when social distancing is not compromised is an individual’s choice, i.e. optional.
Any standard requirement for the wearing items of PPE on a task related basis, e.g. welding, grinding or using chemicals is not changed by the COVID 19 instructions.
- Surfaces - Although there are various surfaces that may be encountered and that can become contaminated by virus droplets with different survival periods, published guidance is that under most circumstances the amount of infectious virus on any contaminated surfaces is likely to have decreased significantly by 24 hours, and even more so by 48 hours, accordingly instruction is that thorough washing of hands immediately after unprotected contact shall be the primary control measure.
- Existing mechanical handling equipment/handling aids will always be used where possible to minimise the need for two person or team handling.
- Goods in controls - Delivery/collection drivers have to contact stores personnel via the intercom system at the goods in point.At this point they are instructed to stay in their vehicles and not enter the building while they are being serviced.Toilet facilities are made available upon request with drivers being ‘escorted’ when in the building.
- Signing of paperwork for items being delivered or collected has been suspended with drivers entering details of the exchange on their own devices.
Unless there is a specific, individual need for people to bring in and wear a mask of their own choice it is advised that masks supplied by the company are worn for a consistent approach and to ensure an appropriate level of two-way protection is achieved
Office working
Face to face working increasing the risk of infection through the expelling of virus droplets by an infected work colleague
Infection from touching virus contaminated office equipment, e.g. ‘Hot desking’
FANUC UK Office staff
- Where reasonably practicable, face to face working will be avoided, with due consideration being given reorientation of workstation seating arrangements, including back-to-back or side-to-side working whenever possible – this is fully achieved in the accounts office
- Where workstations are fixed positions or reorientation is not reasonably practicable, protective screening for individual workstations will be in place.
- Shared workstations and equipment, i.e. used for ‘hot desking’ shall be cleaned/disinfected by users prior to and after each use
- Shared office equipment such as printers/copiers and shredders shall be cleaned/disinfected prior to and after each use.
- The passing over of phones, mobile or landline handsets, to colleagues to ‘take a message’ should be avoided.
Persons working from home (general)
Mental health and wellbeing issues
General health and safety issues
Employees working from home
- Mental health and wellbeing factors – There is a detailed home working policy and ‘wellbeing’ and ‘remote working’ modules on the company’s online training system for all employees providing a comprehensive level of information and guidance for working from home.The modules include test and risk assessment elements that are completed by the employees to demonstrate understanding and also facilitate any issues for address to be flagged up to line managers based on responses to the questions asked.
- There is an independent employee welfare support system for which the log in details have been communicated to all staff.
- Departmental managers are contactable should employees working from home need to discuss issues of concern personally.
Psychological/psychosomatic factors associated with employees returning to work after prolonged COVID 19 related absence from the workplace
Returning workers who may be suffering from anxiety related to:
- Re-adjustment to a work based environment
- Fear of infection
- Domestic concerns
- Financial concerns
Returning workers who may have experienced illness or bereavement
People who have been working from home
People who have been subjected to social isolation or screening
People who have been ‘furloughed’
Employees returning to work after a prolonged period of Furlough leave or after having been confirmed with Covid-19 will have a return to work induction carried out by their line manager and the HR department.
Should returning employees wish to seek further assistance or independent professional advice they are able to use the employee welfare support system.
Accidents/incidents or illness requiring close contact first aid attention
Risk of infection if assisting a person who may be carrying the virus or if clothing is contaminated
FANUC UK first aiders having to administer first aid
- If upon quickly assessing the situation a first aider cannot avoid close contact with a person requiring treatment, they will wear a surgical mask, visor and disposable gloves for administering first aid.
- After the event the first aider shall then carry out a thorough clean down of the treatment area and themselves.
Group events
Internal meetings, training courses
- Meetings (internal).Current policy is that video conferencing/online meetings, i.e. using Webex) shall be the primary forum for communication between the senior management team to eliminate or minimise any need for face to face situations and support remote working with managers at present only being on site on a rota system.
- Face to face meetings are only to be held where absolutely necessary and then only in appropriately sized meeting rooms to ensure social distancing can be maintained. Attendees are to be kept to a minimum as is the duration of any meetings.
- Meetings involving external parties’ - Video conferencing/online meetings are used currently to eliminate or minimise any need for face to face situations with external parties.
- At a time when the current restrictions are eased meetings between FANUC staff and others may be resumed and managed via the Company’s ‘inventory’ system with the potential for current control measures and FANUC’s expectations of external parties attending the premises being communicated to attendees prior to such a meeting being convened.
- Training: When training resumes as part of the business function, numbers of delegates will be controlled to ensure social distancing can be maintained across the training academy, and will include training cells not being shared.
- Other:No large groups of visitors will be allowed until current societal restrictions are eased and appropriate advice is available to enable changes in policy to be made.
FANUC UK Employees working on customers sites, e.g. service engineers or project engineers
Worker contact with equipment/ surfaces
Vehicle travel to and from customer sites – Use of personal and pool cars, plus hired vehicles
Overnight accommodation factors
Service Engineers
Project Managers
Project Engineers
Other FANUC UK staff required to attend customer sites for essential purposes
- Engineers authorised to work on customer sites will work in accordance with FANUC UK’s COVID 19 rules and guidance or in accordance with the customer’s rules should they meet or exceed FANUC UK standards.
- Appropriate PPE will be provided for engineers to wear on site.
- FANUC work equipment, e.g. tools, test equipment, will be wiped clean with disinfectant wipes prior to and after use
- Contact points on customers work equipment will be cleaned down thoroughly with disinfectant wipes upon completion of work in readiness for handover
Travel arrangements:
- Driver hygiene kits will be provided for each person driving on company business.
- Cleaning/hygiene kits for the cleaning of high contact points of a vehicle will be provided
- Vehicle travel - FANUC UK instruction for staff using vehicles for work purposes follows current UK Government advice
- Plan work and travel arrangements to minimise the number of people in one vehicle and strictly avoid people sitting face to face, e.g. should a mini-bus be the necessary mode of travel
- Plan for fixed travel partners
- Ensure adequate vehicle ventilation
- Accommodation: It will be ensured that any overnight accommodation booked has effective processes and procedures in place for enforcing current social distancing and premises hygiene rules
FANUC staff leaving site for purposes that are not task specific
Possible reasons for leaving site:
- Person collecting essentialitems from suppliers who are unable to deliver
- People ‘popping out’ to local shops or attending an appointment
FANUC staff leaving site temporarily
- People leaving site for ‘other’ reasons shall be made aware that instruction regarding thorough washing of hands must be complied with before returning to their place of work.
- Staff are encouraged to bring in their own food to reduce the requirement to leave site’
External service providers carrying out essential work for FANUC UK
Including statutory plant examinations, regulatory or other essential inspections essential equipment servicing and cleaning
Service engineers (external)
Contract cleaners
- Contractors attending site for carrying out work such as statutory plant examinations, regulatory inspections and essential service work will be provided with the instruction and information relating to control measures to be complied with.
- Contract cleaning company has been instructed as to FANUC UK requirements and expectations of the service provision and the current premises control measures to be adhered to.
As part of planning for essential contractor or service engineer working on the premises, this should include providing them with prior information on the control measures in place and the requirements of contractors in sufficient time
Emergency evacuation
Fire safety system maintenance
All FANUC staff on the premises
Contract cleaners
Service Engineers (external)
- The response in the event of an emergency evacuation will be based on a safe and prompt escape from the building taking priority over social distancing as a one off, short duration event, although with the reduced numbers of people on site and wide corridors as escape routes, maintaining a safe distance would be highly unlikely to be compromised.
- Premises facilities management company remain active as part of the fire safety regime.
Update the current premises fire risk assessment to ensure that changes introduced as part of the COVID 19 control measures are recorded. If applicable add a temporary arrangements page to the fire risk assessment if such changes have been made
Routine and regulatory fire safety actions should continue during the period of amended working