The foundation of Dener Group’s success is its decades-long experience in the manufacture of sheet metal processing machinery, including press brakes, laser cutters, plasma cutters and guillotine shears. Based on high-quality products and engineering know-how, the company gained a voice in the global marketplace. However, based on a philosophy of continuous growth, the group took a conscious decision to diversify into metal-cutting machine tools.
“Machine tools are one of industry’s most basic-need categories,” states Dr Kanber Sedef, Vice President and R&D Director at Dener Group. “So in 2017 we began to design and manufacture our own machine tool product family, comprising CNC vertical machining centres, CNC lathes and NC surface grinding machines. In Turkey, we previously had a very high import rate for these machine types.”
Dener Group set about producing CE-certified machine tools in different capacities and sizes, attracting customers in both national and international markets against the backdrop of its ISO9001-accredited quality system.
Notably, the company constantly explores ways of increasing the added value that its machines offer, typically by introducing complementary solutions such as automatic part measuring probes, automatic referencing systems and motor strain detection systems. Dener Group also has extensive expertise in AI image processing and optimisation, further underlining its high investment in R&D.
“The co-operation with FANUC in these solutions contributes significantly to the acceleration of our processes,” explains Sedef. “A particular case in point is our range of CNC vertical machining centres where, thanks to the use of FANUC products, our customers can reliably perform high-speed machining, high-precision machining, adapter-free synchronised threading and simple robot integration.”
As a result of strong co-operation between the companies, Dener Group trusts FANUC’s products, its influence in the sector and its experience in automation.
“At the same time, we have been working with the FANUC service team for many years without any problems; FANUC is a very reliable partner,” says Sedef. “Due to this satisfaction, and the high contribution of the products to efficiency and performance, we continue to move forward with FANUC technologies.”