In a project realised in conjunction with FANUC, a CR-7iA/L cobot is fitted with a vision system for checking welds.
Geert Motte, chassis zone spokesperson: “The cobot checks different welds for presence, length and position in places that operators either can’t or find difficult to get to.”
The workers appreciate the help that they get from the cobot, says Mark Van Heirzeele, Head of bodywork. “They are more certain of their quality because the robot takes on some of their checking tasks. At the same time they can see that their jobs are not under threat in any way. That has been very important for us.”
In future Audi will use even more collaborative robots in the production process.
“It is really important to activate the robot for ergonomic issues”, says prevention consultant Walter Seminck. “In production we need a system that can run smoothly and independently at all times. So robots can provide valuable support to people in their work.”