A new generation of advanced technology

The R-30iB Plus controller is FANUC’s new standard for smarter productivity. It is destined to contribute to the easier use of robots and automation in the manufacturing industry. Featuring a new generation of advanced integrated hardware and more than 250 software functions, it is your key to robot performance in terms of cycle-time, speed, accuracy and safety. The R-30iB also provides full connectivity over an Ethernet network allowing easy connection to connect robots, remote computers and other hardware. Designed for increased user friendliness and minimal energy consumption, the R-30iB Plus comes in four different cabinets to help you make the most of your floor space and production cell layouts. With a flexible appearance, the user interface, iHMI, has a convincing screen resolution and a strong processing capability.

Learn more about the improvements compared to the previous generation of controller:

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Integrated Programmable Machine Control

Unitatea PMC integrată de mare performanţă a Controlerului R-30iB Plus are acces la întregul sistem I/O al robotului, permiţând controlul separat sau asincron cu uşurinţă al dispozitivelor periferice, fără a afecta negativ performanţa robotului.

Caracteristicile controlerului oferă mai multă flexibilitate

Diagnosticarea rapidă a sistemului

mulțumită standardului iRDiagnostics

Mai multă flexibilitate la integrare

Mai multă flexibilitate la integrare

Conectivitate excelentă

mulțumită unei game largi de opțiuni pentru magistrala traductoarelor și cea de siguranță