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Promotion of Employee Diversity & Equal Opportunity

Basic Approach

FANUC believes that (1) each individual should be able to respect each other’s individuality and maximise their abilities, and (2) individuals and the organisation should grow together by integrating individual strengths as organisational activities, thereby creating new value for society. Through the promotion of diversity and inclusion, FANUC will work to create an environment that accepts and provides equal opportunities for the diversity of our employees.


1. Implementation of Diversity Training

FANUC positions the promotion of diversity as a key issue for the Company’s sustainable growth and will continuously hold diversity training for all employees in order to foster an organisational culture in which diversity is accepted by all employees. The training aims to foster and instill a sense of ownership through an understanding of the significance and importance of diversity promotion, as well as to convey key points that each individual should be aware of and work on in their own workplace in order to lead to concrete actions on their part.


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2. Gender-Related Initiatives

Promoting the Active Participation of Women

In addition to striving to ensure that employees can play an active part in the workplace regardless of factors such as nationality and gender, etc. FANUC has enhanced various systems including maternity leave, child-care leave, and shorter working hours until children finish elementary school, so that women can pursue their careers without interruption. In this manner, FANUC fully supports the active participation of women in the workplace.

In April 2021, we renewed our General Employer Action Plan Based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, and we are actively promoting the recruitment of women, with the aim of increasing the percentage of female employees. Under this plan, FANUC has established a target of 10% of regular female employees for the Company as a whole. This numerical target was set in consideration of the small number of women in the population of students in the mechanical, electrical, and information fields, which are the focus of our recruiting activities.

To achieve these goals, we are promoting efforts such as having female employees visit schools and handle company visits by female students when recruiting for technical positions, and promoting efforts to create opportunities for women to discuss work and actual lifestyles. We are also implementing initiatives such as external seminars to support career development for female employees.

Recently, women have increasingly been playing active roles as executives in various fields, with two female employees promoted as officers.

Support for Balancing Work and Home Life

At FANUC, 100% of the female employees who have used the child-care leave system during the past three years have returned to work, which confirms that the Company’s working environment is comfortable for women. Furthermore, we opened a nursery for employees’ children in the Headquarters’ site in April, 2019, using the company-initiated nursery business system, supervised by the Cabinet Office. To reduce total actual working hours, we have set the annual paid leave-taking rate to at least 80%, so paid leave can be more easily used to balance work and home life.

As an initiative to encourage male employees to take child-care leave, we have posted on the companywide portal site Q&A and guidance documents regarding leave systems for child care and nursing care as well as support offered by the government. A help desk has also been set up in the Human Resources Department to support the balance between work and child care and nursing care. This approach has spread knowledge and understanding of our initiatives within the Company, and more male employees are taking child-care leave.

In addition, we have established a “Wife’s Maternity Leave System,” which can be taken when a spouse gives birth. It allows for 5 days of leave with 100% of pay guaranteed. In FY2021, 107 employees took this leave, for a take-up rate of 78.7% (number of employees who took leave/number of employees eligible for leave).


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Team of people organizing supplies on racks and shelves
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3. Disability-Related Initiatives

When determining assignments, FANUC takes into account the characteristics of each individual's disabilities as well as his/her aptitudes, while also considering safety aspects so that persons with disabilities can play an active role in the Company. We have also established a support system to promote the employment of persons with disabilities. 

4. Initiatives for Nationality, Race, and Religion

In accordance with our Human Rights Policy, FANUC considers respect for human rights to be a fundamental principle for all of our activities, and we respect the human rights of all people involved in our business. FANUC thoroughly implements the “prohibition of discrimination based on race, creed, gender, social status, religion, nationality, age, mental or physical disability, etc.” in its recruitment practices, as well. While we hire students from overseas, we prohibit any special treatment or discrimination against them in any way because of nationality.

FANUC also strives to provide a working environment that is comfortable for foreign employees. We offer vegetarian food, gluten-free food, etc. to employees for whom religious dietary considerations are required. 

5. Age-Related Initiatives

In October 2006, FANUC extended its mandatory retirement age from 60 to 65 years.
Employees who have reached the retirement age of 65 years may continue to work at the Company if both the Company and the employee so wish.