Team of people organizing supplies on racks and shelves, planning order production for retail store distribution. Colleagues working with merchandise and goods containers. Drone view.
Team of people organizing supplies on racks and shelves
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Supply Chain

Employee Health and Safety

Health and Safety Principle

FANUC considers the health and safety of its employee’s first issue.

  1. Safety is created through the collective creativity and ingenuity of each individual in each workplace, with the participation of all employees.
  2. We create a clean, bright and comfortable workplace.
  3. We promote the mental and physical health of our employees.

Promotion Framework

FANUC has established the FANUC Health and Safety Committee as an organisation that mainly discusses and determines company-wide safety and health management policies, related measures and significant issues.

The President and CEO is designated as the person responsible, with the managing officers of each business division and the labor union leader as its members. The Safety & Health Department of the Human Resources Division serves as organiser in coordinating activities for the meetings held twice a year.

In addition, we have established District Health and Safety Committees based on the laws and regulations in four factory districts and five sales office districts for health and safety activities.

Members of each District Health and Safety Committee are nominated by the employer from among its employees, half of whom are nominated based on the recommendation of the labor union.

Each District Health and Safety Committee holds meetings of the Workplace Safety and Health Committee, which is a sub-organisation per department, to notify instructions and other matters from the District Safety and Health Committees to each workplace.

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Scope of Health and Safety

FANUC has implemented Health and Safety Rules to ensure the health and safety of FANUC Group employees, contract employees and part-time employees, in order to make work smoother and improve productivity.

When employees of contractors and subcontractors perform tasks at FANUC, we do its best to prevent accidents, injuries and health problems from occurring, in conformance with FANUC’s Contractor Safety Management Rules.

Priority Activities for Health and Safety

FANUC has specified five priority activities, and are pursuing our efforts through the establishment of a promotion department, that mainly works together with the Safety Section and each workplace.

We aim to reduce occupational accidents by setting single-year goals regarding safety management.

Pre-commissioning Risk Assessment for Production Equipment

In its pre-commissioning assessment of new production equipment, FANUC identifies and assesses risks and conducts risk management related to health and safety. The Production Engineering Department, Manufacturing Department, and Health and Safety Department conduct risk assessments from their respective viewpoints and make determinations of “operable”, “provisionally operable”, or “operation suspended”. For determinations other than “operable”, countermeasures are taken within 30 days, and the equipment in question can be put into operation after it is determined to be safe.

Health and Safety Education

FANUC conducts grade-based and job-based education programs on occupational health and safety. It also conducts safety education for all employees at the time of employment and at times of operational changes.

Number of Employees in Health and Safety Education

In fiscal 2021, FANUC conducted the following education programs.

Health and Safety Patrols

With the aim of reducing occupational accidents, FANUC conducts monthly patrols at each of its factories. In addition to patrols by the safety officer, health officer, and industrial physician, we have established a system of mutual patrols, in which individual sections patrol the condition of each other's sections.

Based on the results of working environment assessments and special health checkups, we have identified workplaces with noise issues and workplaces that use organic solvents and confirmed the status of operational improvements.

Knowledge and Measures Learned from Occupational Accidents

We investigated the causes of lost-time accidents, eliminated dangerous actions and tasks, and implemented safety measures for both machinery and management. We also strive to prevent occupational accidents by sharing reports of near misses.

Safe Maintenance Work by Service Personnel

As service personnel perform their work alone at the customer's factory, it is important that they are more sensitive toward safety and predict potential risks. Risk prediction training by specialist institutions is provided to the representatives of service locations, who then roll it out in their respective service locations, to improve risk prediction capability.

We also develop maintenance tools for service personnel to achieve safe and efficient maintenance work.

Production and Distribution of Pocket Safety Card

We have produced a pocket-sized card that features FANUC's Three Safety Principles, Six Safety Action Principles, Six Prohibitions, and the FANUC KY Principles, so our employees can check them anytime, anywhere.
In 2020, we revised the Five Safety Action Principles and Five Prohibitions that had previously only been applicable to manufacturing sites, making them Six Principles and Six Prohibitions that cover the entire Company. In this way, we are striving for company-wide occupational health and safety.